Monday, October 6, 2014

I Really Should Have Started This Four Years Ago!

After a little over four years of happily being married, and having a cute little guy almost 2 years ago.  I am finally getting around to writing a Blog. Some say,
a picture can tell a thousand words, in this case I hope so.  Attached, are just a few pictures of the highlights of the last few years. As of today I am going to try to keep this blog up to date as a journal for my little family.

Picture of Porter the day we came home from the Hospital!

 Picture from his newborn session!

 Picture from his blessing day! 

Eating Real Food!

 5 month picture!

 The day we took Porter to the candy store and let him try his first sucker! He LOVED it, and had a complete melt down when we took it away!

First Boat Ride in Bear Lake!

Porter's First Birthday!

As you can see this little guy is our world! I feel SO blessed to be his Mom!!!!